header made by Mod Jenni

Aizawa Shouta R-18 Zine

A for-profit Aizawa Shouta R-18 Zine that'll explore all kinds of kinks where Aizawa will be a top, bottom, switch, whatever the contributors create him as. There will be art, fics, and physical merch.


Head Mod - Finance and Communication Mod
Mod of You Are My Sunshine: a KiriDeku Zine

Head Mod - Finance, Communication, and Social Media Mod
Mod of You Are My Sunshine: a KiriDeku Zine, Re:Complete: a Sea Salt Trio Kingdom Hearts Zine, and Watermelon Soda: a KiriDeku AU Zine

Head Mod - Communication and Social Media Mod
Mod of You Are My Sunshine: a KiriDeku Zine

Formatter Mod
Mod of Bad Sensei: a R-18 BNHA Teacher/Student Zine and Hypnosis Heart: a Shinsou R-18 Zine

Graphic Design Mod
Mod of Bad Sensei: a R-18 BNHA Teacher/Student Zine and Hypnosis Heart: a Shinsou R-18 Zine


These dates may change due to unforeseen circumstances, but we’ll stick close to the schedule as close as possible.

Main Zine Schedule:
Interest Check: January 9th-January 23rd
Mod Apps (for Graphic Designer): January 23rd-January 30th
Contributor Apps: February 20th-March 20th
Email Results: April 24th
Idea Check-In: May 1st-2nd
First Check-In: June 5th-June 6th
Second Check-In: July 10th-11th
Third Check-In: August 14th-August 15th
Final Submissions: September 11th
Pre-Orders: October 2nd-December 4th
Shipping: March-May

Problematic PDF Zine Add-On Schedule:
Idea Check-In: June 5th-June 6th
First Check-In: July 10th-July 11th
Second Check-In: August 14th-August 15th
Third Check-In: September 11th-September 12th
Final Submissions: October 16th-October 17th


How will contributors get paid?

Since this is a for-profit zine, no profit will go to charity. All contributors will be paid evenly. How much contributors will get paid will depend on the sales.

We will also be giving all participants a free PDF copy of the zine and physical copy. If breakeven is reached, then all contributors will get a full bundle. If breakeven isn't made, contributors will have a chance to buy any merch at production price.

What pairings are allowed in the zine? Also, do pieces for the zine need to be shipping content, or can it just be Aizawa centric?

For the main zine, only non-problematic pairings will be allowed. For any problematic pairings, such as any AizawaxMinor ships, we will have a problematic PDF zine add-on since not everyone is comfortable with problematic content.

AizawaxMinor ships include AizawaxStudent ships and AizawaxToga. Although SOME consider adult villains x Aizawa ships to be problematic, the mods do not view them as so.

Aizawa x reader content is also allowed. However, we ask for the content to be as gender neutral as possible for everyone be able to enjoy!

Just Aizawa-centric pieces are also allowed! We look forward to all spicy Aizawa content for the zine whether it's with someone or with some.. thing.. or even both ;)

Will there be any trans Aizawa or will it just be Cis Aizawa?

For the main zine, only non-problematic pairings will be allowed. This is up to the contributors if any want to create trans, non-binary, and intersex Aizawa. We won't force contributors to make cis Aizawa and wish for trans and intersex people to be represented!

Are AUs allowed?

AUs are absolutely allowed!!! We accept any and all AUs in both the main zine and problematic add-on.

What kinds of kinks are allowed in the zine?

For the main zine, only non-problematic pairings will be allowed. This is up to the contributors if any Almost all kinds of kink content are allowed except for scat and vomit. For hardcore kinks such as gore, we will ask to have them be in the problematic add-on.

Is non-sexual nsfw content for the zine allowed?

For the main zine we are, at the moment, aiming to keep the focus on the nsfw sexual aspects due to possible triggers involved that may affect consumers. However, the problematic PFF zine will allow for a ranged mix of sexual and non-sexual content aspects.

Is problematic content allowed in the zine?

As said in prior questions, problematic content is allowed, however, only in the problematic PDF add-on. Problematic ships and other problematic content such as non-con, dubcon, etc. will be in the problematic PDF add-on. If you are unsure of what is considered problematic, please ask the mods.

How do you plan to ensure all participants are of legal age?

We will not be asking for IDs for this zine. We are informed, as well as aware, that asking of such is illegal in various countries. We are also aware of the concern it brings to everyone, including the mod team, if we were to ask for IDs and any other personal information besides shipping address and paypal email.

However, we will be asking for contributors to accept a contract/disclaimer that will ask them by agreeing to the contract, they claim that they are 18 years or older. This is so that they are held liable if they happen to lie and to protect all mods and contributors. We will also be checking their social medias that they provided in the applications to check. If we do happen to have any minors, within the mod team and contributors, in the zine, we will inform contributors as well as ban the person from the zine and any future zines we will be modding.